Publisher Info
USIM Publisher Has
A Clear Goal To Be
an Outstanding Publisher
In The Binary Knowledge of
Naqli and Aqli
Leading the number of scientific book publications locally and globally
USIM Publisher or USIM PRESS is a university publisher that is active in the world of scientific book publishing. Beginning its history on 10 February 2003 as a unit, it has now been almost 20 years since USIM Publishers have been in the national book publishing industry.
Various genres of publications are already in our radar, including the main focus of scientific publications as a corpus of knowledge, not to mention other genre publications such as the publication of general books, textbooks/modules, fiction and poetry. This variety of publications is a modus operandi to meet the demands of the community and as a reference for the ummah. With the number of publications increasing every year, and collaboration partners of various countries such as Jordan, Japan, Germany, Australia and so on, it appears in various forms of cooperation to realize the presence of USIM Publishers in the bookstore.
Today, our total publications have reached almost 1000 book titles in various fields such as social sciences, sharia and law, medicine, Quran & sunnah as well as science and technology. What is interesting, the publication of the book at USIM Publishers, is an integration between Naqli and Aqli knowledge. Moreover, under the joint auspices and also members of MAPIM-Malaysian Scientific Publishing Council, USIM Publishers is also active in various exhibitions around the world including the Frankfurt Book Fair which is held every year.
- Before 2003: Structured under USIM Library
- After 2003: Transferred and structured under the Chancellery Department
- Mid 2006 – February 2010: Structured under Information Technology Centre (PPITM)
- February 2011: Transferred under Research and Innovation
- 2011: operate as a centre responsible under the supervision of the Dean of Research and Innovation
Using the name ‘Penerbit USIM’ as our logo and image in any material published by USIM and we are responsible on all publication published by USIM.